Spoilers Policy

(The below is true for all reviews published on or after 6th August 2021)

My reviews are always spoiler-free.

Sometimes there is information about a book that potential readers might find useful, but which might give a thing or two away. I include that too in my posts, but I hide it away at the bottom.

Below the review you’ll see a line and below the line a picture of the book cover and author. Under that you’ll find:

– The publisher’s synopsis of the book (pretty much guaranteed to have spoilers in my experience).

– Content warnings – because some readers need to know if a book is going to trigger them before they start it.

– Tolerance warnings – many of the books I read are nasty old pulp potboilers and often they contain reprehensible views. I won’t not review a book just because it contains views I don’t agree with, but if it does, I will always call it out.

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